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  • Sponsor & Exhibit Opportunities - 2017 WMBA Real Estate Finance Conference

Sponsor & Exhibit Opportunities - 2017 WMBA Real Estate Finance Conference

  • April 06, 2017
  • 6:00 PM (CDT)
  • April 07, 2017
  • 4:00 PM (CDT)
  • Potawatomi Hotel, Milwaukee WI


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Includes:
    - One 8' skirted exhibit table, two chairs & wastebasket. Electricity is available for select booths, first come-first serve.
    - Reserved table including six (6) full conference registrations
    - Two (2) complementary tickets to Monday evening reception.
    -Company logo on event website and promotional e-mails with a link to your site through the duration of the conference
    -Sponsorship recognition throughout the conference, including onsite event signage
  • Includes:
    - One exhibit table
    - Three (3) full conference registrations
    - Company logo on event website an promotional emails throughout the duration of the conference.
    - Recognition of sponsorship at conference including event signage.
  • Includes:
    - Six (6) full conference registrations
    - Reserved seating for your company's attendees
    - Company logo on your reserved table
    - Sponsorship recognition on event website and promotional emails throughout the conference
    - Recognition of sponsorship during conference including onsite signage
  • Includes
    - One (1) conference registration
    - Sponsorship recognition on the event website and promotional emails throughout the duration of the conference
    - Recognition of sponsorship during the conference including onsite event signage
  • Exhibit table includes:
    - 8' skirted table, two chairs, & wastebasket. Electricity is available on request
    - Two (2) full conference registrations
    - Company logo in the conference program

    *Sponsorship opportunities are available.
  • Exhibit table includes:
    - Two 8' skirted tables, two chairs, & wastebasket. Electricity is available on request.
    - Two (2) full conference registrations
    - Company logo in the conference program

    *Sponsorship opportunities are available.
  • - Company name listed on event website and promotional emails throughout the duration of the conference.
    - Sponsorship recognition, including signage, onste at the conference

    *conference registration not included
  • Includes: - Three (3) full conference registrations - Company logo on event website an promotional emails throughout the duration of the conference. - Recognition of sponsorship at conference including event signage. Recognition at the Gold Sponsor level and labels on the wine bottles (assuming distributor agrees).

Registration is closed
Sponsor and Exhibit Registration
is now open for the 
43rd Annual 
Real Estate Finance Conference

The WMBA Real Estate Finance Conference is our largest event of the year, with over 200 mortgage leaders throughout Wisconsin attending.

See all sponsor details at http://wimba.org/Sponsorship.

Register by March 15, 2017 to be included in the event program.

Need more information?  
Call the WMBA office - 608-255-4180
Email us at info@wimba.org.


Copyright 2020 Wisconsin Mortgage Bankers Association
4075 Vilas Road - Cottage Grove, WI 53527
608-255-4180 | wmba@morgandata.com

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