2014 Board Installation and Exemplary Service Awards Ceremony
2014 Board Installation and Exemplary Service Awards Ceremony
Marcia Howe takes the oath of office to become the 2014-2015 WMBA President
Executive Board Members, Mike Kellman and John Inzeo, take the oath of office to become the Secretary/Treasurer and President-Elect, respectively
New board members Betty Feierstein, Julio Rios, and Peter Wilder take the oath of office
Exemplary Service Award winner, Jill Meier, receives her award. Also pictured, President Marcia Howe and Sherri Krabath
Northeast Chapter President, Dave Taylor, speaks about the service and commitment Exemplary Service Award winner, Andrea Wellins, offers to the Mortgage Banking Industry in Wisconsin
Past Madison Chapter President, Amy Gile-Enge and State President, Marcia Howe, present Exemplary Service Award winner, Peter Stebbins, with his award
Dave Beaumier was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award from President Marcia Howe on behalf of the WMBA
Senator Paul Farrow addresses WMBA members at the 2014 Installation Breakfast and Exemplary Service Awards Ceremony
Immediate Past-President, Nick DelTorto, is presented with an award from Marcia Howe for his dedication to the WMBA throughout his term
Copyright 2020 Wisconsin Mortgage Bankers Association
4075 Vilas Road - Cottage Grove, WI 53527
608-255-4180 | wmba@morgandata.com