“A Freddie Mac Discussion - Webcast”
Session 1 - Origination – Freddie Mac discussion on loan products, updates to recent guidelines, condo lending updates, updates to Home Possible, Q&A on Origination/Underwriting
Session 2 - Servicing – Updates to servicing guidelines, common mistakes, pitfalls,
Servicing Gateway product and Q&A on Servicing
Monday, October 28th, 2019
This is your opportunity to hear from the experts at Freddie Mac about the top issues of the day that
they are hearing about from people like us. Join us for one, or both sessions and get the latest
directly from Freddie Mac!
Session One – 11:00am - 12:00pm Central Time
Session Two – 1:00pm - 2:00pm Central Time
These informative sessions are available to WMBA members only at no charge.
Must Register separately for each Session.
“Go to Meeting” instructions for the webinar will be emailed 1 week prior to all registered participants.
Copyright 2020 Wisconsin Mortgage Bankers Association 4075 Vilas Road - Cottage Grove, WI 53527 608-255-4180 | wmba@morgandata.com