2021 WMBA After Hours
Offsite WhirlyBall Activity
WMBA is pleased to an offsite activity at WhirlyBall Brookfield following the Best In Business Awards. We've reserved the WhirlyBall courts as well as several bowling lanes, so there will be fun for all.
What IS WhirlyBall anyway?
It’s the endorphin inducing answer to your typical outing! Experience something truly fun and unique as the exhilarating game of WhirlyBall combines lacrosse, hockey, basketball, and bumper cars in a game of skill coupled with a touch of chance.
Cash bar will also be available.
Registration deadline: October 22, 2021
Copyright 2020 Wisconsin Mortgage Bankers Association 4075 Vilas Road - Cottage Grove, WI 53527 608-255-4180 | wmba@morgandata.com