2014-2015 WMBA Board of Directors Installation & Distinguished Service Industry Awards
Date: June 13, 2014
Location: Country Springs, Grand Salon
Time: 8:30 AM
Cost: $15/individual attendee or $100 for table of eight
The WMBA will be honoring a member from each chapter for the individual’s exemplary service to the mortgage banking industry*
8:30 AM- Registration
9:00 AM- Breakfast and Speaker Senator Paul Farrow
9:30 Installation of 2014-15 WMBA Officers and Board Members
9:40 AM- Exemplary Service Awards- Chapter Presidents
10:00 AM- Adjourn
* Each local WMBA Chapter will select for special recognition an individual who
embodies general excellence, dedication, and distinguished service to the
mortgage banking industry
Copyright 2020 Wisconsin Mortgage Bankers Association 4075 Vilas Road - Cottage Grove, WI 53527 608-255-4180 | wmba@morgandata.com